Our Sectors of Application

Our Sectors of Application
Private and Public Pools
Private and Public Pools

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Private and Public Pools

One of the main application areas for our products is in the field of pools. The pool sector is mainly divided into two branches: residential pools and public pools.

There are approximately 18 million residential pools worldwide, many of which do not yet use automatic measuring and regulating tools for the dosage of chemicals such as chlorine.

Public pools, on the other hand, encompass a wide range of aquatic facilities, including hotel pools, resorts, municipal pools, water parks, spa and wellness centers, and more.

Based on their different structural and environmental characteristics, pools are distinguished into various types, including outdoor, indoor, mixed type (simultaneously usable open and covered artificial basins), and convertible type (artificial basins with spaces that can be opened or closed as needed).

For this extensive sector,Inside Water positions itself as an innovative solution, offering a brand-new range of connected products and tools capable of remotely managing the automatic dosage of chemicals.

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Water Treatment

Another crucial application area for our products is water treatment. It plays a vital role in ensuring the availability of safe and clean water for various purposes, including drinking water, industrial processes, agriculture, and environmental conservation. Its primary goal is to remove contaminants, pollutants, and impurities from raw water sources, making them suitable for consumption and other uses.

This sector is extremely vast and encompasses various specific fields, including legionella prevention, the chemical industry, livestock farming and agriculture, water supply systems, cooling towers, industrial water treatment, etc.

For water treatment, Inside Water provides innovative solutions for the automatic dosing of various types of chemicals. Moreover, with our company's decades of experience in this sector and the presence of an in-house team of specialized technicians, we will always be able to advise you on the most suitable solution for your industry and specific needs.

Water Treatment
Water Treatment
Cleaning and Disinfection
Cleaning and Disinfection

Effective Products icon

Cleaning and Disinfection

One of the fields in which our company has always operated is cleaning and disinfection. This sector focuses on removing contaminants and destroying pathogenic microorganisms present in raw or untreated water. In particular, it includes applications such as industrial dishwashers with cycle or tunnel, washing and disinfection of workbenches, industrial laundry, dosing of aggressive chemical products, etc.

Thanks to the experience gained over the years and the dedicated R&D team working on the Inside Water project, it will soon be possible to use the entire range of products and tools from our brand in this sector as well. We aim to create an effective and high-quality product that is also easy to use in these types of applications, simplifying the work of technicians and maintainers.

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Thanks to the flexibility of the app and the quality of our technologies, it is possible to create tailor-made solutions to meet any need for both public and private applications. Request a customized solution from us!



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